Posts Tagged ‘plagiarism’

Something About My Concept Series

Just a random old pic. Dont judge those heavy jackets, it was really that cold in Canada

I just feel like putting this up because I heard there was SNOW IN MAY up in Washington State. It was also my first time skiing. I was just good enough to pose for that picture, it started going down hill from there.

I’ve been posting a few Concept theories up on my blog, and I will continue posting more, probably once a week.

Just to clear things up, so far all the concepts I put on here are inspired from my Management 350 class. I just think that what I learn in class is so exciting and helpful, not only with business settings but we can also apply these theories in real life, so because of my instinct, I share. Sort of another kind of psychology I guess. But I will also be posting other concepts that are not MGMT-course-related soon.