Archive for May, 2010

Something About My Concept Series

Just a random old pic. Dont judge those heavy jackets, it was really that cold in Canada

I just feel like putting this up because I heard there was SNOW IN MAY up in Washington State. It was also my first time skiing. I was just good enough to pose for that picture, it started going down hill from there.

I’ve been posting a few Concept theories up on my blog, and I will continue posting more, probably once a week.

Just to clear things up, so far all the concepts I put on here are inspired from my Management 350 class. I just think that what I learn in class is so exciting and helpful, not only with business settings but we can also apply these theories in real life, so because of my instinct, I share. Sort of another kind of psychology I guess. But I will also be posting other concepts that are not MGMT-course-related soon.

Why the heck are my finals so far apart?!

Last day of school is on May 20th. For the most part people often have their breaks before the last day of school. I’ve been having my vacation a couple days early, I guess same goes for other students.

But thanks to my Finance professor for making us take our final exam on exactly the 20th, in the afternoon. Yah and not just that, I just took my last Management lecture on Tuesday the 4th. And the final exam for that class is all the to the freaking 18th. Why the heck do I need that 14 days in between the last lecture and the exam. Hopefully I won’t forget too much.

Oh and I just took my first final exam earlier today, the 5th, for my RWS class, the rhetorical writing that is the least exciting class. So this time my final exam period is actually 15 days long, for most people it’s only about 5 days in between. Just complaining for no reason =)